TDK PRODUCT BRAND MARK EPCOS – passive components

We are an authorized distributor of the producer TDK and longtime distributor of electronic components of product marks EPCOS. We have a connection to all factories product brand EPCOS on the three continents, we can immediately tell delivery dates about 47,000 kinds of electronic components product brand EPCOS and their packaging units and prices. We provide technical consultancy.

Infineon Technologies – power semiconductors

We supply power semiconductors of the manufacturer Infineon Technologies (formerly EUPEC)- thyristors and diodes, IGBT modules.

Panasonic Electric Works – relays NaiS

We supply components of Panasonic Electric Works for components in the Czech Republic – we supply all kinds Relay – mechanical, RF, semiconductor and other types of relays and switches.

Power Integrations – IGBT Drivers pi-logo-short-tm-157x55

We supply products of Power Integrations – market leader in the sector of IGBT drivers for mid to high powers.

Pramet Šumperk – stock of ferrites

Ferrites from warehouse inventory former producer Pramet Šumperk